Home, Sweet Home-PSA 2017 Emerging Curators Project

PSA 2017 Emerging Curators Project PSA青策计划2017

Curators: Housewife Squad (Mo Wanli, Deng Yuanye, Lin Lin)

Artists: Lyla Wu and Ye Funa, Yao Weiwei/Yin Shun and Hu Yinping, Qi Shanshan and Ma Qiusha, Ma Yuanrong and Han Xia, Zhou Jianjia/Li Danfeng and Zeng Burong/Deng Hanbin.

Venue:Power Station of Art Gallery 7 5F


Peep Stream stage installation view

About the Exhibition

By presenting the ambiguities related to labor division, intimate relationships, opposition, violence and their modern alternatives of women in domestic space, Home, Sweet Home discusses the historical construction of sweet home and demystifies such sweetness through spectator’s voyeuristic perspective. Capitalizing on the corresponding narrative and spatial structure, the exhibition also attempts to explore the relationship between the act of viewing and space as it is used to suggest and define viewing experience, exhibited objects and displaying methods.

The exhibition includes three parts: architectural and artistic work, document presentation and public participation. Six regularly-arranged Disciplinary Walls exhibit how “sweet home” is historically constructed in terms of labor division, intimate relations, opposition, violence, etc. With 158 pieces of historical materials, social events, spatial cases and models, first-hand research materials, original works and so on, the document exhibition indicates the evolution and solidification of domestic space and its core content, suggesting the dynamics and multiple clues of such process within a complex cultural background.

Five Cocoons wrapped by the Disciplinary walls- The Laboring Cocoon, The Ethical Cocoon, The Intimate Cocoon, The Therapeutic Cocoon, and The Non-Nuclear Family Cocoon – represents the inwardness and privacy of home, and also serves as spaces for artistic intervention. Five pairs of architects and artists are invited to collaborate and to express five spatial themes with their creations. They are: Lyla Wu and Ye Funa, Yao Weiwei/Yin Shun and Hu Yinping, Qi Shanshan and Ma Qiusha, Ma Yuanrong and Han Xia, Zhou Jianjia/Li Danfeng and Zeng Burong/Deng Hanbin. Various materials, structural forms, and presentational forms of artistic creations are engaged to suggest another possibility for the spatial theme. Layering openings through the Disciplinary Walls produce two Voyeuristic Cones, which allow spectator to peep into the Cocoons to participate in the deconstruction of Sweet Home and witness the collapse of such modern myths as public and privacy, production pattern, social discrepancy, claim and discourse, romantic relations, freedom and equality, etc.

About the Curatorial Team

Housewife Squad is a research (and wechat) group with a curiosity on women’s everyday life. The group was initiated by Mo Wanli, Deng Yuanye and Lin Lin, who are doctoral students at College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University. As a curatorial and research group with multi-disciplinary backgrounds, Housewife Squad is interested in the trivial yet mysterious domestic life as well as agendas concerning female and space.

Mo Wanli received her Master of Architecture degree from Yale University and is interested in contemporary forms of life in relation to material and immaterial production. Deng Yuanye is currently in a joint doctoral program with MIT School of Architecture and Planning and she received her Master of Anthropology degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research focuses on urban and rural forms and their structural transformation. Lin Lin is a lecturer at Jiageng College, Xiamen University and she is interested in urban anthropology and historical preservation.








